Wednesday, 23 February 2011

Carl Norén - 'You have to see and read new things to do things'

You have to see and read new things to do things.

You rather know Carl Norén as singer of the swedish Band Sugarplum Fairy. As they don’t have anything new in motion Carl decided to record his own album ‚Owls’. He talked to us about the influence of HipHop, Dr Der and classical music of Chopin. 

Farrelmagazin: Why did you decide to record your own album far away from Sugarplum Fairy? Is this album in addition to the band or apart from it? 
Carl Norén: I started to write songs without thinking about if I would use them at some point. When I realized that there isn't another Sugarplum Fairy CD in the making, I decided to do something on my own. I called my brother (Gustaf Norén of Mando Diao) and asked if I could come along on the german "Give Me Fire" tour. When I landed in Germany I asked a friend to mine to create a Myspace page and to upload a few demos songs for me. I didn't have a record deal or anything. After getting a lot of support from fans and worked hard I finalized the record and got a record deal, with which I was content. This record is a new beginning for me as a songwriter and concerning Sugarplum Fairy. I think that we can do whatever we want in the future. Nothing has been decided for the future of Sugarplum Fairy. 

Rumore say that your literature studies have inspired you to write new songs.
I read a lot. I spent a year reading in in the library eight hours a day every day. At the same time I studied literature, read classics and many russian writers. It inspired me to new ideas how to express myself. You have to see and read new things to do things. The guy who built the first castle must have seen a house first before he started building a castle.

How do the new songs differ from the typical Sugarplum Fairy music?
They base on my personality and not on Sugarplum Fairy's. I am a restless person with a passion for romantic and this influences the music. It's more restless and more romantic. I also tried to avoid the instruments we use with Sugarplum Fairy during the recordings and to produce it in a different way.

Does it feel freeing to be able to do your own thing without having to care about your band mates visions? 
Yes, it does. I still love them, but on this record I had to keep them out of the music, to make it sound different. I still play live with them, but on this CD I had to play the instruments myself or have them played by other friends. I used classical educated world class musicians on this cd; I love classical music, that is why I was very happy to have included a concert pianist (who usually plays more Rachmaninov than pop).

Does "Owls' give you a chance to show a different side of yourself?
It is a different side of me, yes. A Moore down-to-earth, Moore modest side. Butt as I am a restless sohl, I will never succeed to end up in a certain Genre. The music is the Thing that will always change. ADN the personality Shows itself Moore in the lyrisch and in the Emotion.
What do you want to express with your music?  
I wish that pople dream a little. I want to make music which finde itself Outsider of time and Trends. I want to bring back some real Emotion to the music, so the soul can bleed a little. I want to make music that Gould be the soundtrack to a David Lynch movie. Nicht music.

Do you think you adress different fans with your new record than those of Sugarplum Fairy?
I hope so. I know that. People will see a different side of me. The old fans will recognize my music but at the same time people who don't like Sugarplum Fairy will understand this music. The inspiration comes from all genres, Rap and classic. I listened to a lot of Nick Drake, Dr Dre, DJ Shadow and Chopin when I was writing the record. 

What are other personal influences? 
As I said, I like to listen to different kinds of music. Music that reaches me and gives me the feeling that music is the only important thing in the world.
I like to listen to HipHop, because I feel more confident then, and I like to listen to John Lennon and Nick Drake because they move me to tears. I like to listen to classic and opera music because I can dream along and I listen to DJ's and Techno, because it is hypnotic. 

What is up next?
An 'Owls' tour is coming up and after that I will record my next CD "Wolfs". I am also planning a documentation about a band from Sweden called "The Local Dealer". Then I will also do a record with my cousin "Prop Dylan" who is a really good rapper. And I also hope, that I can make another Sugarplum Fairy record sometimes. 


1 comment:

  1. thank you girls :D
    love it! and i love when Carl says 'i record my next cd 'Wolfs' xDDD
    now, i added to my personal blog :D
